The mayor of Vilanova makes a “very positive” evaluation of a “record” 30th Mussel and Cockle Festival
The mayor of Vilanova de Arousa, Gonzalo Durán, has made a “very positive” evaluation of the 30th Mussel and Cockle […]
Festa do Mexillón – FMB | Vilanova de Arousa
The mayor of Vilanova de Arousa, Gonzalo Durán, has made a “very positive” evaluation of the 30th Mussel and Cockle […]
The 30th Mussel and Cockle Festival of Vilanova de Arousa celebrates its big day today with a successful influx of
The 30th Mussel and Cockle Festival of Vilanova de Arousa celebrated today a day marked by the people of the
The mayor of Vilanova de Arousa, Gonzalo Durán Hermida, inaugurated this morning the 20th Opportunities Fair, which will take place
The 30th Mussel and Cockle Festival of Vilanova de Arousa opened its doors this morning in the Plaza de O
Vilanova de Arousa is finalizing all the preparations for the launch of the thirtieth Mussel and Cockle Festival. And it
El alcalde de Vilanova de Arousa, Gonzalo Durán Hermida, ha dado a conocer los nombres de las personas y de
La Estación Marítima Mar de Santiago ha acogido esta mañana la presentación del programa de la XXX Fiesta del Mejillón
La plaza Avelino Vicente de A Guarda viene de acoger la presentación de la XXX Fiesta del Mejillón y el
La “Festa do Mexillón e do Berberecho” de Vilanova de Arousa renueva por completo su imagen de cara a su