Vilanova de Arousa
Vilanova de Arousa
Vilanova de Arousa
Vilanova de Arousa
Plans in Vilanova
Cultural tourism
Cradle of great writers, Vilanova de Arousa is renowned for cultural tourism. In our municipality we offer you up to 3 cultural itineraries that will take you through the life and work of Ramón María del Valle Inclán and also of the Camba brothers -and, more specifically, of Julio Camba-. Click on the buttons to discover the main points they pass through.

Urban Valle-Inclán Itinerary
Through this tour you can follow the life and work of the creator of the Esperpento (grotesque) literary style through different enclaves in Vilanova. The itinerary will take you to different chapels and churches, as well as the two House-Museums that you can find in the town.
The main points through which it runs are the Chapel of La Encarnación; the House-Museum of the Camba Brothers; the Calógo Tower; the Church of San Cibrán de Cálogo; the Chapel of San Mauro; the Casa del Cantillo; the Church of A Pastoriza, and the Valle-Inclán House-Museum. You can consult all the details about this route on the Vilanova Tourism website.
Non-Urban Valle-Inclán Itinerary
Churches and their patrons were a constant feature in the works of Ramón María del Valle-Inclán. The Non-Urban Valle-Inclán Itinerary offers you a tour of different points that, in one way or another, appear in the writer’s works. Since it is sometimes difficult to specify the direct correspondence between the places and the landscapes of Valle Inclán, this tour offers you stops that become authentic literary viewpoints. To do this, you will have to pass through different parishes in the municipality of Vilanova.
More specifically, the route begins at the Church of Santa María de Caleiro, and then continues on to the chapels of Las Angustias and San Roque. You will continue the tour by visiting the Church of San Miguel de Deiro and the Chapel of San Miguel (in the Pazo de Rúa Nova). The next stops will be at the Church of San Esteban de Tremoedo; the chapels of Santa Marta and San Simón, and the Parish Church of San Juan de Baión. The Non-Urban Valle-Inclán Itinerary ends at the Church of San Lorenzo de András, whose name appears in numerous works by Valle-Inclán.

Julio Camba Itinerary
Another of the distinguished figures of Vilanova de Arousa is Julio Camba, a renowned journalist, considered the first foreign correspondent in Spain, in addition to his facet as a writer. Although Camba only lived in Vilanova until his adolescence, he always considered the capital of Vilanova his place of refuge and this is reflected in his work.
If you want to visit the places that marked the journalist’s life, we recommend that you take the itinerary that bears his name. Your tour will start at the Camba Brothers House-Museum, which features a complete exhibition that brings you closer to the life and work of Julio and Francisco Camba.
From there you will pass by the following points: the Chapel of La Encarnación; the beach of O Terrón; the Consistory of Vilanova de Arousa; O Cabo Street and the old Casino and the Pepe Roig Pharmacy. You will end the tour at the House of Pastor Pombo, considered one of the best friends of the brilliant journalist from Vilanova. If you want to know more details about this itinerary, you just have to visit the Vilanova Tourism website.
From there you will pass by the following points: the Chapel of La Encarnación; the beach of O Terrón; the Consistory of Vilanova de Arousa; O Cabo Street and the old Casino and the Pepe Roig Pharmacy. You will end the tour at the House of Pastor Pombo, considered one of the best friends of the brilliant journalist from Vilanova. If you want to know more details about this itinerary, you just have to visit the Vilanova Tourism website.