The products
The products
The products
The products
The cockle is another of the hallmarks of the municipality of Vilanova de Arousa. Its nutritional characteristics make it a landmark product for a healthy and balanced diet.

Cockle gathering has a long tradition in the town. Not surprisingly, one of the typical images that you can find are the beaches full of shellfish gatherers on foot, collecting these precious bivalves by hand. A self-sacrificing job to collect a seafood that is very precious in Galician gastronomy.
History of cockle cultivation
The shellfish tradition has been maintained for generations in Vilanova de Arousa. Artisanal fishing continues to be the basis of the work carried out by the shellfish gatherers on foot who fill the beaches of the town of Vilanova to collect this precious bivalve.
In order to extract it from the sandy mud at the foot of the coast, “rastrillos” or “raños” are used, a kind of bulge-shaped rakes, which are buried in the sand to capture cockles. The separation of the radii of these implements is specifically designed so that the species that are caught (or that remain in the rake after shaking off the sand) comply with the minimum market size.
In addition to shellfish gathering on foot – the most typical in the area – there is also shellfish gathering by boat. This term refers to cockle fishing from small boats located near the seashore.
In addition to shellfish gathering on foot – the most typical in the area – there is also shellfish gathering by boat. This term refers to cockle fishing from small boats located near the seashore.

Once the product has been collected, it is transferred to the fish market where the relevant classification by size will be carried out and then passed through the treatment plant, ensuring that the bivalves comply with all health regulations for consumption. Three categories are established: 1st cockle (the largest), 2nd (medium) and 3rd (small). Depending on its size and the demand from the buying and marketing companies, the sale price at the fish market will be established.
Cockle characteristics
The cockle is an oval and domed bivalve. Its valves are heart-shaped, which is why it came to be called the edible heart (Cardium edule). Its surface stands out for its striations, with an average of between 22 and 28 ribs (or radial grooves) that are crossed perpendicularly by several very fine concentric lines. In this way, it looks like a kind of roof. The colour of the shell can vary from dark brown to white. Its interior is composed of a white viand, with beige tones.
This species lives on the muddy and fine sandy bottoms near the coast. They have a great capacity to adapt to changes in environmental conditions, withstanding very harsh conditions, with sudden changes in salinity or sea temperature. Cockles feed by filtering living organisms, so the waters of the Ría de Arousa, which are very high in phytoplankton, are ideal for their proper development.
Nutritionally speaking, cockles stand out for their low-fat content – with little caloric intake – beig very rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. Among them, A, B3, as well as iron, iodine, zinc, sodium and potassium stand out.
Nutritionally speaking, cockles stand out for their low-fat content – with little caloric intake – beig very rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. Among them, A, B3, as well as iron, iodine, zinc, sodium and potassium stand out.

As you can see, cockles are an ideal food for a healthy and balanced diet. You can consume it both fresh and canned -natural, or in different preparations. Its minimum marketing size is 25 mm in length.