Festa do Mexillón – FMB | Vilanova de Arousa

The “Festa do Mexillón e do Berberecho” (Mussel and Cockle Festival) of Vilanova de Arousa launches a new website

The “Festa do Mexillón e do Berberecho” of Vilanova de Arousa reaches its 30th year with a new feature: its recently launched website.



In it, the followers of this food festival, which promotes two of Galicia’s products par excellence, will be able to find out all the news about the event, consult the program of activities, and discover all the secrets of Vilanova’s star product.


The new portal includes sections with information about mussels and cockles, as well as various recipes to prepare them. There are also different sections on the history of the event and its link with the seafaring tradition; content about its opening speakers, gold and diamond badges and collaborators; and miscellaneous tourist information about the municipal district, including a list of restaurants where you can eat or accommodation establishments available for a stay in the municipal district.


The website also has a download area, where users can access multimedia content about the event: quality images, high-resolution videos and posters from previous events, among other material.


With this new website, the Town Council of Vilanova de Arousa directs its food festival towards a new strategic objective: promoting the “Festa do Mexillón e do Berberecho” as a candidate for Festival of National Tourist Interest status.

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